Family Testimonials:

“Martie and Megan are incredible at what they do!! If you are struggling to communicate with your children or their behaviors seem impossible to change, I highly suggest working with OutGrow. Their methods are research based but innovative to fit into modern parenting. Grateful for them both!”

Alexa (Mom, August 2024)

“This business is a gem! We were recommended to look into speech therapy for my kids and it ended up being the best thing for us. These therapists have helped my kids and our family in more ways than I could have imagined. Our sessions at OutGrow now feel like a staple in our lives that I look forward to because its so rewarding to see the outcome of the work reflected in your children. They love it too and adore Ms Martie. 6/5 stars if I could.”

Stephanie (Mom, August 2024)

“These therapists are amazing! Their holistic approach is exactly what my son needed. The speech evaluation was incredibly detailed, and they even noticed sensory issues I hadn't mentioned. Plus, their recent free webinar was packed with helpful tips. I'm so grateful for their care and expertise!”

Sarah (Mom, August 2024)

Educator Testimonials:

“I absolutely loved this training. The hands-on training kept us engaged and challenged what we thought we knew.”

Teacher (Premier Academy Orlando, August 2023)

“Martie and Megan were absolutely wonderful!  We were able to understand sensory processing and how kids can better learn or how we can better support them in their learning.  Teaching kids emotional regulation is a big struggle for any parent or teacher. They laid out the logistics perfectly and we were able to understand a child’s perspective.”

Teacher (Premier Academy Orlando, August 2023)

“OutGrow’s Professional Development was a wonderful way to start out the school year. They provided us with tips and tools for emotional regulation and even brought sensory objects for the staff to feel and touch. We loved all the helpful information they provided us. We are looking forward to working with them in the future.”

Administrator (Garden Montessori Houston, August 2023)

“This was my first experience with OutGrow.  It was nice, fun, and educational.  I would recommend this course to others.  The instructors were very nice and helpful”

Teacher (Garden Montessori Houston, August 2023)

“OutGrow provided a wonderfully engaging and informative presentation.  Highly recommend for anyone who works with children!”

Teacher (The Shlenker School, August 2023)

“Martie and Megan are very informative and always provide great resources. They both have helped me with strategies at home, with my children, and at school. They are awesome!!!”

Teacher (3 R’s Plus Montessori August 2024 - Virtual Workshop)

“It was a very interactive and fun learning experience. By allowing us to explore materials, they were then able to give us a better understanding of sensory input. In return, we as educators were able to have a better understanding of the children in our care.”

Teacher (3 R’s Plus Montessori August 2024 - Virtual Workshop)

“I learned so many new strategies that I can’t wait to use in my classroom.  The visuals were extremely helpful”

Teacher (The Shlenker School, August 2023)

“Martie and Megan’s knowledge and passion really shine through. The workshop was incredibly informative. I am walking away with new techniques and practice ideas as a teacher and parent. Thank you!”

Teacher (3 R’s Plus Montessori August 2024 - Virtual Workshop)